2023 with Pershing Consultants

Reaching the end of a fantastic year of growth and project success, we’ve looked back on the year and asked some of our team to comment on their thoughts and achievements.

Our dedicated team have delivered results to position us as trusted project management partners in a variety of different sectors.

The year 2023 brought 6 new hires into Pershing Consultants, and saw 8 new project wins in hydrogen, solar, critical infrastructure and nuclear.

Bryony, Michael, Raluca, Ashley, Matt and Dan all joined us this year - Dan and Ashley will be talking about their experience in this article.

Thoughts from the year - Ashley Robinson

Highlight of the year?

The highlight for me this year was starting on the Xlinks Morocco-UK Power Project (Xlinks) as the DCO lead project manager.  The Xlinks planning pathway transitioned to a Development Consent Order (DCO) a month before I joined Pershing and I’ve been busy re-evaluating the programme and budget and working with our supply chain to confirm the technical elements required to deliver a DCO submission. 

The Xlinks project is the first of its kind in the UK and I’m really excited about the opportunity to power a significant number of homes in the UK using a reliable renewable energy source from Morocco. 

How has the company supported you this year? 

The beauty of Pershing is that we are a team of specialists who offer a wide range of skill sets and I’ve been able to draw on the experience of team members to respond to various challenges on the project.  This provides the confidence that even though I lead the DCO team as an individual I have a strong network of support back ‘home’ in Pershing (and amongst our supply chain). 

Thoughts for next year?

First and foremost, the goal for next year is the successful submission of the Xlinks DCO application.  Pershing also has a number of exciting project opportunities coming online in 2024 and I look forward to helping build our team and deliver a range of new renewable projects to support the road to Net-Zero. 


It’s a year where we broke ground on the UKs largest consented solar farm, installing the first phase of advance planting secured in the outline Landscape and Ecology Management Plan. This advance planting will help screen the site when in construction and operation.


Thoughts from the year - Dan Boyd

Highlight of the year?

The highlight for me this year (other than starting with Pershing Consultants of course) was kicking off the One Earth Project. We all know energy security and reaching net-zero are essential to the UK. I am both excited and proud to be a part of that journey. One Earth, if it gets consent, will make a considerable contribution to that mission.

Beyond this, it has been extremely rewarding to appoint and work with a team of suppliers that believe in the technology and work tirelessly to make the project a success.

How has the company supported you this year?

Working in a small and developing business I have been given the opportunity to apply lessons learnt from my experience from previous roles. I have been allowed to help develop how Pershing Consultants do and manage things as well as being supported to develop my competency in growing the business. This, I hope, has been beneficial for Pershing Consultants as well as me.

Thoughts for next year?

The One Earth programme is fast paced, and I want to continue to push the project forward, while continuing to create a positive team atmosphere. Ensuring One Earth meets its goals and project milestones will be a key goal for me.

In addition, I want to continue to supporting Pershing’s growth. I have been working in the background systems and process to help us keep delivering a high-quality service to our clients as we grow. Seeing these implemented and used will be a significant achievement for me and important step for Pershing Consultants.


Its been a year where we’ve improved our sailing skills on two separate trips. In April we took some of our valued clients out on the Renewables UK Regatta on the Solent, and in May we headed out on a boat for a weekend of sailing around the west coast of Scotland.

Both trips showed the best scenery that the UK has to offer, and it was great to use UK wind to power our travel!


Thoughts from the year - Matt Bussey

Highlight of the year?

I was thrilled to see in June 2023 that the project I had been working on for the prior 2.5 years had been granted consent through the Planning Act. This meant that a DCO had been awarded, and all of the work contributed from the client, other consultants, and myself had led to a successful outcome.

I also enjoyed attending solar and storage this year, and managed to catch two really interesting lectures on low carbon battery storage, and trends in the PPA market. Pershing paid for my hotel and travel to this event, and we had some drinks in the evening with colleagues and clients.

How has the company supported you this year?

I am working to become a chartered civil engineer (CEng, MICE) and I have now completed my IPD and CPD, with sign off from my ICE mentor within the company. I hope next year to get this submitted and progress to professional review early in 2024. A civil engineering chartership is a strong mark of competence within the construction sector, and has helped me to develop my writing style and ability to self-reflect and analyse how my individual contribution to projects can create successful outcomes.

Thoughts for next year?

I hope that the project I am currently working on will progress successfully through some key milestones and decisions that will determine its ultimate success. We will be identifying route to market, completing extensive procurement work, and starting to discharge some pre-commencement requirements ahead of starting construction work in 2025.

Outside of work I would like to buy a piano – I used to play when I was younger and haven’t played for a number of years now!


Thoughts from our leadership - Charis Pateman

What has been your highlight of the year?

For me the highlight is seeing our team almost double in size this year. Each new starter brings with them unique skills and perspective that support and shape our business bringing enthusiasm, innovation and skills.

We have seen some fantastic project wins with existing Clients as well as exciting developments with new Clients and in new sectors.

What makes you proud of Pershing Consultants as a business?

Pershing Consultants has always strived to deliver and support our Clients’ in their strategic thinking at both business and project level. It is the combination of strategic thinking with clear project delivery that allows us to lead our Client’s projects so effectively, achieving the fantastic results that we have seen. This translate itself into a culture that we live by in Pershing Consultants, a desire for our Clients to success in their endeavours, and I am most proud of how our team embody this culture and attitude in their projects and every day thinking.

What are your ambitions for next year?

I have three main ambitions for 2024:

·       Sustainable Growth – I want to continue to grow our team with diverse skills and experience, expand upon our Client base and our sector base. Cross sector knowledge and diversity in skills is invaluable in ensuring that we are always perfecting on what we do.

·       Continue to develop our Team as Project Leaders – our Team support our Clients by defining and delivering on their strategic aims. To do this effectively we need to be Leaders, both in our fields and in our projects, inspiring people to deliver the best they can.

·       Drive innovation through everything we do – we have seen some fantastic innovation delivered in our business this year and I would love to see that grow through 2024.


From all of us at Pershing Consultants, have a great Christmas break and we look forward to what 2024 has to offer!


Pershing Wrapped 2024